Wednesday 30 April 2014

my first blog.....finding my feet :-): Lots of people have asked why a PAO (periacetabula...

my first blog.....finding my feet :-): Lots of people have asked why a PAO (periacetabula...: Lots of people have asked why a PAO (periacetabular osteotomy) rather than a hip replacement...well here goes A Periacetabular osteotomy ...
Lots of people have asked why a PAO (periacetabular osteotomy) rather than a hip replacement...well here goes

A Periacetabular osteotomy is a hip preserving procedure performed to correct a congenital deficiency of the acetabulum: acetabular dysplasia. The acetabulum is your hip socket and it is this that the femur sits in. The femur and acetabulum together make your hip joint.

Acetabular dysplacia is caused by poor development of the acetabulum. Instead of being "cup shaped" it is "bowl shaped" and the acetabulum slopes steeply instead of the desired horizontal position leaving the head of the femur incompletely covered causing damage.

A PAO preserves the patients hip joint rather than replacing it with artificial parts. The PAO relieves pain and restores function AND maximises the life of the natural hip.

A PAO cuts the bone around the acetabulum that joins it to the pelvis. Once the acetabulum is detatched from the rest of the pelvis by a series of controlled cuts, it is rotated to the best position. The dysplastic roof is brought over the head of the femur giving the head normal coverage.Once all is in the correct position screws are inserted into the bone to maintain the correct position during healing. These are sometimes, but not always removed a year or so post op.

SO....why not just have a hip replacement?

1. If you are young enough you will outlive the replaced hip. this results in further surgeries and hip revision surgery can present significant problems.

2. A PAO can last years before a replacement is needed, meaning less chance of multiple replacements.

3. A PAO corrects the positioning of the pelvis meaning that when a hip replacement is required it is correctly positioned and therefore likely to last longer as the pattern of wear and tear is more normal than the pattern of wear on a non PAO replaced hip.

A PAO surgery is tougher to recover from than a hip replacement but the instant relief from pain is worth it. I am dreading my 2nd PAO which is in 15days BUT I am only dreading the recovery, not the OP itself. I know that it will be worth it and the end result will be a correctly aligned pelvis which will although me a much more normal future :-)

Tuesday 29 April 2014

GRRRR! Microsoft office HELP!

I am getting so frustrated....I picked up my new laptop two weeks ago, buying microsoft office at the same time. Two weeks down the line it is only 80% installed. I followed the advice and am trying to repair it but keep getting error messages...HELP! I havent managed to use it yet....maybe I should take it back as I appear to be managing without it. I wish i was a computer geek...really, I do :-) 

people are reading my blog!

WOW!  I thought only maybe one or two of my friends would be reading my blog BUT after clicking a link I can see that 416 people have read one or all of my blogs (i only know this because i accidently clicked something and it took me to a previously unseen page of facts and figures) if I can find it again I will be impressed. WOW 416 people and im only 4 days in!

I can see how useful a blog can be when it comes to starting up my Forever Living Aloe business next month. I am so excited about doing this. A couple of my friends are doing well in this business and because John has been using the products for 12 years I know that they are quality products. I have been using the Aloe Juice for a while now and see a big difference in my Crohn's disease...


This is a big challenge for me as for a long time I have been unable to work because of my health. I am hoping that this is one way which i can finally contribute towards the household expenses and maybe a few treats too! :-)

Tomorrow I have my pre op check for my PAO. I am quite worried about this as I am still on antibiotics for the dreaded carbuncle and am feeling quite weak and poorly. Am hoping that 2 weeks of scrubbing with hibiscrub will mean that I test negative for MRSA. Hibiscrub tends to dry skin so am applying Aloe Gel with good effect :-)

I can hear Noah having a good old cry in his cot, he has been to playgroup this morning and should be wiped out. no rest for the wicked... I imagine this is what I will find when i go upstairs


Monday 28 April 2014

space cadet

well, I am having quite a bad day on the energy front and luckily John had a day off so I didnt have to drive and managed to rest a little. I need to learn how to pace myself a little and take better care of myself. Just a brief blog today as I need to go to a little spaced out, i think by the antibiotics. They are evil....this picture says it all... :-)

night folks....back tomorrow xx

Sunday 27 April 2014

chocolate as a pain reliever

Morning!! Am feeling a little grumpy this morning as I had interrupted sleep last night. Firstly I experienced excruciating cramp in my right calf...first i knew of it was when i woke myself by shouting out. I could hear John saying "whats wrong?, whats wrong?" but by the time i had (a) woken properly and (b) dealt with the cramp, he was snoring loudly beside me. Then of course the snoring kept me awake. I nearly decamped to the day bed but thought i had better make the most of snuggling up as we will be sleeping separately for a good while after i have my PAO.

The next thing to wake me was the pain and then relief of the bursting of my newly acquired "friend " the carbuncle! I first discovered this a week ago and at first thought i had been bitten by something in the garden. it grew and grew, getting more painful. I asked John and my friend Madeleine to look at it. They both declared that I had a five headed boil on my back! My G.P confirmed their diagnosis and I am now on antibiotics as it needs to be gone before the operation. I am also washing in hibiscrub so that when I have my MRSA pre surgery check next week there should be no signs of infection.

Now, amongst other things number 3 daughter is allergic to hibiscrub. so am having to scrub everything after bathing so that she avoids anaphalaxis!

The hip that is due to be operated on is actually feeling fairly comfortable at the moment, whereas the previously operated one is hoping it is because i am naturally favouring that hip at the moment and not a sign that things are getting bad on that side again. I have remembered from the previous op that weight bearing for the first 6 weeks should only be 10kg on the operated side. how do you judge that? last time I think Iwent with what was comfortable. anyone have any insight on this? I think this may be a question I could as fellow "hippies" on the very supportive and informative facebook PAO page.

I am spending a lot of time worrying about how we are going to manage the school run, look after the children , enable John to work etc after the op. My mum is hoping to come and stay for a few days during the time in hospital but its not certain at the moment as she herself is unwell. I will know more next week and really should leave the worrying until then...but a mums job is to worry so worry i will!

My lovely children and grandchildren
The one I am most worrying about is my 2yr old. I haven't been away from him yet, except for the odd hour or two and I know he will wonder where I am. I hope we can sneak him in to visit me even though the hospital has a no under fives policy on visitors. I know also that I have to make the most of the next two weeks of cuddles as he wont be able to sit on my lap for a while. This makes me sad when I think about it.

I am having my PAO on the NHS( national health service) at our local private hospital the Duchy. I often read posts on facebook from American "hippies" who have to deal with insurance and have huge out of pocket expenses. I am so glad of the NHS as I am sure if I was in the USA I wouldnt be able to afford to have surgery and would have to live with this pain forever. My advise to my American friends with hip dysplacia is find yourself a nice english man, get married and get here for your op! :-)

 My surgeon is going to be Darren Fern who I trust totally. He did such a great job last time and is always very kind. The RPAO that I had last time was such a success not just for my hip but released a trapped pudendal nerve which was causing me some embarrassing problems with a little known condition call PSAD or RGS (persistent sexual arousal disorder/ restless genital syndrome.) I found it all very embarrassing as you can imagine. Its not the sort of thing that is easily shared. imagine "sorry, I cant come for a walk as I have restless genitals"!! raised eyebrows all round :-) I feel more comfortable talking about it now that I no longer have it.

Even though i am probably just talking to myself and the odd friend writing this, i am finding it very therapeutic and it is definitely helping me feel calmer about the whole experience.

I now have a fun filled day of ironing and chores ahead of me, fuelled by the remains of my Easter egg.

Anyone else find chocolate a good pain reliever?

Saturday 26 April 2014

PAO - Peri-acetabular Osteotomy 19 days to go...The start of the countdown

So, this is my first ever blog attempt. My lovely daughter (number 3) is going to be my chief technical advisor on all things i don't understand (most of it to be honest) ....i am definitely a technical airhead!

A bit about me....I'm an ancient mother of 5 and a grandmother of two. I'm about to undergo major hip surgery and start a new business at the same time. I have decided to blog to help keep my thoughts in order, share my experiences and generally stave off the upcoming boredom of long bed rest and being housebound for a few months.

I am worrying about my forthcoming PAO (Peri-Acetabular Osteotomy) ...i've had one before and they are NOT nice. :-(  However, a bit like childbirth, i seem to have forgotten the trauma and am having another one.

Now, whenever i mention i am having hip surgery people say things like "my nan had a replacement, you will be fine" "the recovery will be quick" ... so frustrating!
This is NOT a replacement!

 A PAO is a surgical treatment to preserve my own joint, this will make a replacement easier when the time comes. During a PAO they cut the bone around the acetabulum which joins the acetabulum to the pelvis. It is then rotated to the best position to cover the femoral head.Screws are then inserted to maintain the correct position. I am basically trusting someone (in this case Darren Fern) to break my pelvis for me and screw me back together again.

These are pics of scar and bruising from last time... not for the faint hearted

I have 19 days to go and to put it bluntly "I'm shitting it" ...literally to be fair as i also have Crohns disease. since finding out my op date much of my time has been spent on the loo...the joy of pre op nerves.

I am going to try and blog every day during my OP and recovery. Please share this journey with me. it is a long and sometimes lonely process and i am going to need all the encouragement i can get from you all, especially my fellow "hippies"

On a positive note i cant wait to try out my day bed
Im going to try to chill out and supervise my two year old from here...maybe get some snuggle time too :-)