Saturday 19 July 2014

my first blog.....finding my feet :-): clean9 and nutrilean I have lost 28lb in 60days

my first blog.....finding my feet :-): clean9 and nutrilean I have lost 28lb in 60days: Clean 9 Detox Review - Claire's Story After hearing and reading many success stories about Forever's Clean 9 , I decided to be...

clean9 and nutrilean I have lost 28lb in 60days

Clean 9 Detox Review - Claire's Story

After hearing and reading many success stories about Forever's Clean 9, I decided to be barave and give it a go. As a distributor of Forever Living Products it is important to be able to give first hand experience of the product.
ALSO having been inactive due to hip dysplacia i had put on a lot of weight. I went into hospital for hip surgery May 19th 2014 and decided to use this as my start date. May as well do something useful during my recovery which was going to take at least 12 weeks.

Preparing For The Clean 9 Programme

 It is recommended that you reduce your intake of stimulants a couple of days before starting the detox to minimize any of the possible side effects of withdrawal but instead of the 3-4 cups of coffee I normally drink every day, I think I cut it to 2 cups on the day before I started...followed by 12 hours pre-op of water only

I also checked my BMI which you can do here

My starting BMI was 30.11 - obese  


Starting Clean9 - The first two days

 The first 2 days of the Clean 9 program consist of drinking lots of aloe vera gel and taking both the garcinia and bee pollen supplements as well as drinking lots of water.

There is also 1 protein shake to drink at lunch time but no other eating.

Days 1 and 2

Day 1 went very smoothly.  I missed the act of physically eating and would be lying if I said I didn't feel a little hungry when it got to the evening but i declined the sandwich offered by the hospital.
Day 2 was a little more difficult but I was determined to follow the Clean 9 instructions exactly so I distracted myself with other things as much as I could. I had a slight headache on waking up .The headache lessened when I drank some water and applied Aloe Heat to my temples. Obviously I was still in hospital at this point with a catheter, I took full advantage of this and drank litres of water. Despite being in pain i noticed that my skin was already clearer and when the surgeon popped in to see me my healthy glow was commented upon.

Read more about clean9 here

Days 3 - 9

Day 3 could be described as "exciting" - as I got to taste the protein shake which was delicious! I went for the Chocolate shake, it is also available in Vanilla

 I've  had  protein shakes before as meal replacements during Crohns flare ups so I wasn't surprised how full I felt after drinking it. I also got to eat a 600 calorie meal for dinner which consisted of a fillet of chicken, vegetables and mashed potatoes. Luckily the hospital I stayed in has lovely food and catered for my dietary needs.
The following 6 days were busy with getting out of bed and attempting to walk with crutches. I left the hospital on day 5 and came home to a meal of lasagne cooked by my daughter...not the lowest fat meal i know but it was delicious. As my body was healing from surgery I was allowing myself the odd extra allowance as protein is great at promoting healing.
I got to day 9 and attempted the stairs with crutches to reach the bathroom scales. Balancing was hard and at first i thought that i had lost about 60lbs...BUT, NO, I was leaning on the crutches!! I gradually altered my position and let go of the crutches....I had lost 11lb. I would have jumped for joy if Icould have done.

Days 10 - present
Day 10 and 11 I kept to the diet (nutrilean follow on programme) but I did allow myself a fair few choccies given to me by my lovely visitors. I soon got on track again. Sometimes I played with the calories a little and had some of them at lunchtime and the rest in the evening. At day 60 i had lost 28lbs. I am so has taken me two months, I feel healthier and have more energy. I have had to buy clothes two sizes smaller.

So, how did I do? Well, I lost 28lbs bringing my BMI to a healthy 24.84  I still have half a stone I would like to lose. I am beginning to walk more now and hope that by having more exercise and eating healthily i will lose the remaining lbs and tone up too.

This is me now - To find out more about clean9 and nutrilean or to order yours click here

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