Monday 26 May 2014

ULCER, CROHNS, COLITIS, IBS...dietery advice and help

 Do you have an ulcer? Suffer from Crohns, Colitis or another bowel or digestion problem?

Do you want a healthier bowel or digestive tract?

If you are reading this because you have one of the conditions above then you will know that it is not much fun having any of these bowel/gut conditions. Lots of pain, wind, weight loss, weight gain, mad dashes to the bathroom etc. Read on to find some useful tips, support groups and products that could change your life.
I have had Crohns disease since my 20s...I am 43 now. With the support of my gastroenterologist I came off all prescribed medications because of side effects and looked at alternatives. I am diet controlled and part of my diet is drinking Aloe.
 I have been drinking Aloe Vera Gel for four years now and have only had one episode that required steroids in that time. (Before Aloe it was at least twice a year.) AMAZING!!
 I am NOT saying I am symptom free because I am not. Due to a hemi-colectomy I have short bowel syndrome and if I get my diet wrong then I suffer from bloating and wind pain.
What I AM saying is that drinking the gel and taking other Forever Products has changed my life so much that I am now able to work, go out for the day without having to worry if there is a toilet nearby.
Dietry advice and Tips

Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day instead of 3 larger meals. It is important that you avoid overeating. Frequent, smaller meals will be more comfortable and easier on the stomach than two or three large meals a day.
Eat a diet rich in fibre, especially from fruits and vegetables (unless you are on a low fibre diet)
Rest and relax a few minutes before and after each meal, as well as remaining relaxed during meals.
Eat slowly and chew you food well
Avoid eating within 3 hours before bedtime
Eat foods that are low fat
Avoid foods that are fried
Avoid foods that are spicy
Cut down on the following foods:
Decaffeinated coffee
Black Tea
Cola drinks
Carbonated beverages
+ Citric acid found in lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, fruit juices and jams
Tomato-based products

Avoiding certain over-the-counter pain relievers

The use of aspirin and NSAIDs (non steroidal inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and Aleve) can cause ulcers, or aggravate symptoms if you already have an ulcer or bowel condition. If you need to take these medicines, your doctor may prescribe another medicine to protect your stomach.

Taking a probiotic can really help symptoms .
Probiotics are live microorganisms that benefit health. Long-term use of probiotics lowers the risk of infection by H. pylori and development of ulcers.

Forever Active Probiotic
comes in beadlet form and does not need to be kept in the fridge. No more drinking those yucky little probiotic drinks...taking them is easy and taking them with you when you are out and about is easy too.
What is great with this product is that it works alongside our drinking gel. The gel provides an ideal environment for the probiotic to function. The probiotic works primarily in the colon where it aids digestion, helping to allow our gut to realease nutrients for absorption.
The unique nature of Forevers Active Probiotic means that it only releases the six beneficial strains of microbes only AFTER they reach the desired destination of the large intestine. This formulation is unique

It also DOES NOT contain wheat, yeast, gluten, dairy, corn or any artificial flavourings, colours or preservatives.

For more info or to order the product click on the link below

 What is Forever Living Aloe Vera Gel?
Aloe Vera is a succulent plant which has over 75 known ingredients in its leaf...there will be more about this in subsequent posts. Forever Living Aloe gel is one of the purest available. Treated with care, avoiding pasteurisation, freeze drying and heating, the Aloe Vera retains its beneficial properties. Forever drinking gels are made with 100% inner leaf gel. None of the products are tested on animals. Aloe Vera can be drunk or applied to the skin and most products are even safe for animals too.

 Aloe Vera is a natural "balancer" especially in the gut where it tends to regulate the various bacteria and yeasts that inhabit it. e.g - regular ingestion of the gel reduces yeast overgrowth and helps rid us of unhealthy bacteria Aloe Vera Gel - Assists in healthy digestion

A healthy digestive tract ensures that nutrients from the food we eat are absorbed into the bloodstream. There is clear and clinical evidence that by drinking Aloe vera gel the bowel is able
Aloe Vera gel contains 19 of the 20 amino acids needed by the human body and seven of the eight essential ones that just cannot be made. 

By drinking the gel the body is able to get enough to allow complex enzyme systems to work really well. This means the body can function at 100% giving you a wonderful feeling of well being to absorb these nutrients more efficiently, especially protein (protein is essential in promoting healing)
Use this link to view product

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